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Fundemic: When I Wake Up From a Mess with Pretty Dress

  Who doesn’t love to wear a pretty dress? Guess everybody feels the same? By wearing pretty dress, it makes us feel good and raise up the mood. Like we should! I know life’s never been easy especially since nine months ago when Covid-19 traps us in a difficult situation. People we love, dreams we are chasing for, plans we made, all disappear in an unexpected ways. For me, it's one of a heartbreaking event to not be able doing activities in my half 3 rd and 4 th year of college (wishing 4 th will be the last) normally and productively.  Then, how about 2020 to-do-lists?  What can I say when I have to go back to my hometown and doing online classes and letting those targets because it can't be achieved? I am disappointed. It leads me in a mess. Reclining day and night. Denying how life can be so ruined. I am full of sadness and anger. Even with these feelings, I try to make a move. Every day I convince myself by reciting, “It’s okay to not be okay”.  I know that stopping

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